Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Dear Anonymous

Anonymous said...
You have good reason to be proud but obsessions never last and if you don't just settle into a long-term, normal, healthy lifestyle (vs. a 2 year "sprint" towards a weighht loss number) and stop weighing yourself 5 times a day, the bubble will burst and you'll gain back the weight.


Anonymous said...

WTF? I know you screen your visitors...where is this psycho bitch from?!

Cyclin' Missy said...

Maybe weighing yourself less is a good idea, but I've gotten the impression that health and fitness are FAR from a passing obsession for you! Take Anonymous with a grain of salt, and just keep up the lifestyle changes you've been making. Go Tiffany!

Anonymous said...

Them's fightin' words! I've never heard of a TWO YEAR obsession with weight loss. This person may be losing his/her own weight battle, but no need to project onto you. I believe that two years IS a "long-term, normal,healthy lifestyle" change. You are the shining example of what to do and how to do it when it comes to weight loss and fitness. the end. Kelli

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